Event Sourcery

A few years ago, my associate Mitchell van Wijngaarden and I were looking for some techniques for handling an increasing amount of complexity in some of our applications. We ended up discovering Domain-Driven Design and interfacing with that community. This led us through a process that significantly improved both of us as developers and business owners.

I have been blogging and podcasting for some time. But, I’ve been wanting to create something more comprehensive. So, Mitchell and I teamed up and began working on a video course that we’re calling Event Sourcery.

This project is hugely ambitious due to the fact that we want to cover a tremendous amount of theory in addition to the typical application. It takes a lot of time to plan, record, and produce the content. Then, in addition, we’re working on the web platform and adding a forum etc where members can discuss these topics in detail.

Consequently, we knew that we couldn’t just work on this slowly over time. We would need to be able to devote a serious amount of time each week to it. So, we settled on an Early Access model where we launch with a small amount of content and then add more every week. So, that’s what we’ve been doing.

After the first two weeks we have 45 minutes of video. It’s hard to know how much we’re going to end up with. But, my estimate is somewhere around 4 hours. But, the purpose isn’t to hit some specific amount of video. We’re committed to covering everything necessary to make understanding CQRS and Event Sourcing attainable by any dev with some industry experience.

We’re charging a low price at launch, but the price will be increasing as we bring in more content. There will never be a discount. The current price will always be the lowest.

If you want to help support this work, sign up to receive a free video on http://eventsourcery.com If you like it, consider grabbing a membership for the rest of the course. It’s a one-time fee, no subscriptions.

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