Aggregates for Those Familiar with ActiveRecord

I’ve recently noticed some hype around event sourcing in framework communities and some difficulty with the DDD concept of an aggregate. So I write this article about aggregates in the hope to provide some support to DDD newcomers.

Event Sourced systems almost always have aggregates, but they’re not specific to event sourcing. For this article, we will not be discussing event sourcing.

Why all the jargon in software design?

Jargon is good, actually. It provides specific terms that can be used to talk about specific things. It can be more concise than less-specific descriptions.

However, I’m going to try to reduce the jargon in this article because it also has downsides. If you understand the terms already, then you understand the concepts. If you don’t understand the concepts then the terms just become a barrier to building familiarity.

Confusion about the meaning of aggregate.

This is a consistent question and if the concept was more compatible with the typical ActiveRecord programming paradigm it’d be less misunderstood.

I believe that the only reason that there’s difficulty with understanding aggregates is that ActiveRecord software design avoids acknowledging the concept entirely.

If you’re used to writing objects that manage consistency (ensuring that they don’t enter into an invalid state) then you may already understand aggregates.

What do I mean by “model"?

I’m going to use the term “model" but unless I say “ActiveRecord model" I’ll NEVER mean an ActiveRecord model. A model is just something that represents something more complex. ActiveRecord models are database records with helper methods. When I use the term model, I’ll simply mean any object or objects that represent something.

Some example models are Payment, PointInTime, or Temperature. Sometimes a model is an entity that has an id like a Payment. Sometimes it represents a value like a Temperature.

Often, a model like Payment will be composed of multiple other models like Amount, PaymentMethod, or PaidAtTime.

So what is an aggregate?

From an object-oriented PHP perspective, an aggregate is an entity composed of multiple objects that work together to prevent invalid state.

From a more abstract perspective, an aggregate is an immediately consistent transactional boundary. If that doesn’t mean anything to you, just ignore it for now.

Let’s first examine how an ActiveRecord model works, then contrast it with another approach.

I’m pulling this example from a previous article about ActiveRecord.

First, we need to establish some rules.

In the following example, we have Invoices and LineItems. An Invoice can have zero or more LineItems.

  • Invoice must have a recipient name.
  • LineItems can be discounted. But our business has determined that only one LineItem may be discounted per Invoice.
class LineItem extends ORM
    protected $table = 'line_items';
    public function invoice(): Invoice
        return $this->belongsTo(Invoice::class);

class Invoice extends ORM
    protected $table = 'invoices';
    public function lineItems(): Collection
        return $this->hasMany(LineItem::class);
    public function addLineItem(LineItem $lineItem): void
        if (
            && ! $this->line_items->filter(
                fn (LineItem $item) => $item->isDiscounted
        ) {
            throw CanNotAddLineItem::multipleDiscountedItemsAreNotAllowed($lineItem);

        $lineItem->invoice_id = $this->id;

function valid_example() {  
    $invoice = Invoice::create();
    $invoice->recipient_name = "Shawn";
    $lineItem = LineItem::create();
    $lineItem->discounted = true;


function invalid_example() {
    // an invoice exists 
    $invoice = Invoice::create();
    $invoice->recipient_name = "Shawn";
    // add a discounted item
    $lineItem = LineItem::create();
    $lineItem->discounted = true;
    $lineItem->invoice_id = $invoice->id;
    // add a discounted item
    $lineItem = LineItem::create();
    $lineItem->discounted = true;
    $lineItem->invoice_id = $invoice->id;
    $lineItem->save(); 💣

You can see in this example that it is possible to create invalid state.

It is so difficult and expensive to design consistent ActiveRecord models that many developers decide that consistency is an unnecessary goal that’s not worth striving for. This is not true for other approaches to modeling.

There’s always trade-offs.

👍 ActiveRecord gives us the ease of only having to think about database changes to implement new features.

👎 In exchange for this, we trade away the ability to build business rule checks into models.

ActiveRecord means thinking database first. Aggregates think about behaviors first.

Let’s look at another example Invoice / LineItem implementation.

class LineItem
    public __construct(
        private bool $isDiscount
    ) {}
    public function isDiscount(): bool
        return $this->isDiscount;

class Invoice
    private RecipientName $recipientName;
    private LineItems $lineItems;
    public function __construct(
        RecipientName $recipientName
    ) {
        $this->recipientName = $recipientName;
        $this->lineItems = LineItems::empty();
    public function addLineItem($lineItem): void
        if (
            && $this->lineItems->hasDiscountedItem()
        ) {
            throw CanNotAddLineItem::multipleDiscountedItemsAreNotAllowed($lineItem);

In this example, the Invoice is a boundary. It cannot be created without a RecipientName.

The LineItem can’t be saved to the database separately from an Invoice. The Invoice will not store a LineItem if it breaks the rule that only one may be discounted per invoice.

The rule that only one LineItem may be discounted per invoice requires consistency across multiple objects.

The Invoice class is not the invoice aggregate.

  • The Invoice object is able to guard business rules.
  • The Invoice is able to guard business rules related to children.
  • The purpose of the rules is to ensure a valid invoice. Therefore, it is an “invoice" aggregate.
  • The code that serves as the Invoice aggregate’s interface is the Invoice class. Therefore, the Invoice class is called the aggregate root.

The aggregate is the Invoice. The Invoice class is the root of the aggregate; it’s the place where the outside world can interact with it.

The Invoice class is part of the aggregate, but it is ONLY a part. ALL the code within the aggregate combined is considered to be THE AGGREGATE. The Invoice class is not the aggregate, it’s the aggregate root. The invoice aggregate is the combination of all the code that works together in order to achieve the goal of modeling a consistent invoice.


  • Aggregates ensure that models are valid according to business rules.
  • They can use many objects together to determine validity.
  • We call the outermost object the aggregate’s root.
  • We only create changes to the aggregate by public methods on its root so that you won’t accidentally bypass its rules when making similar but different use cases.
  • Our example was an invoice aggregate because the aggregate exists to make sure that an invoice is valid.
  • The root of the invoice aggregate is the Invoice object.

Thanks to Andrew Cairns and others for reviewing the draft of this article.

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